



Comments on greenhouse emission 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:34 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  As the world is developing day by day, greenhouse effect becomes more and more serious. Greenhouse emissions from the developed countries and the fast-growing countries, have the responsibilities to cut down the effect of climate change.

  To show a more significant result, we need the comparisons of different countries like the United Nations climate meeting. They can share their ideas and do some exchange on their results. If different countries have their own measures to deal with the problems, we will never succeed. Although there are some conflicts between the USA and other countries, they are still paired up to take the responsibilities and lead other less-developed to solve the problems. Many people are happy to see that different countries finally agreed to cooperate.

  It's definitely not an easy task for all countries in the world to save the world, but if we, every citizen on the world plays our own role, be self-discipline, it's no longer a difficult task.

Comments on greenhouse emission


  Understanding is important for us to study.

  One day,I had a fight with my parents.They thought my test was very bad.But I tried my best to do it.My father said:"If you try your best,then you should be careful."

  In our study life,we should understand the difficult problems,then we will do better than last time. Tor example,talk with your teacher ,they will tell you how to do it.

  I think I will become better and better.And understanding is very important.
