



留住身边的每个瞬间 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:34 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Do you know why fireworks to choose bursts is put in the darkness of night? Because it knows that there is a moment called the eternal. Do you know why the sun is going to choose to blossom in the daytime? Because it thinks it's eternal moment, so it is not inexhaustible tired to open a sun flower on the earth. But very few people to appreciate, because no one has the eternal charm of less expensive time to appreciate. What is beauty? Is a history, always open unbeaten water lily, but lily just slowly open, a little point to reveal a beautiful. She is a coquettes, but she can bear up The average person can't bear the pain. Perhaps many people and don't understand why she was so ShenCanZhiJian stand here? Because in her eyes, the every minute on the stage with her love of life, enjoy the moment on the stage, she she once life with sweat, and this is the reason why she insist on down. Although she lost both legs, still is so beautiful, her beauty is eternal, is so shiny and bright, and she is a new generation of dancers -- Liao Zhi, of course, she also suffered the pain and humiliation, when faced with the double grinding hard, when walk alone in dark tunnel with fangs jagged line, crossing when struggling in the river of death, she burned with shock, faith will embarrass, lit the soul, stepped on a quiet road. FuLiJuan a 13-year-old girl, want to be a soldier, experienced hardships on the way is almost always inconceivable, but she can use her perseverance to overcome everything, when she was on a plane for the first time, to jump at that moment, her heart is nervous, is hot blood surging, and jump is just that moment, she was satisfied, she is worth the effort. Suddenly remembered, the sublime beauty of farewell my concubine, the die for love of beauty, the sigh, the red silk dance, the beloved steed, the former high-flying overlord, in out of the wujiang river edge, dancing alone. Cast iron body, when the red line through the liu bang YanJi, eight feet tall and resolute has collapsed in the central plains, and in the mean man. I think, YuJi and beauty is eternal; The moment from her throat, xiang yu's resolute is eternal. A few one thousand years of wind and rain flooded the army of liu bang, but a permanent beautiful love. There is a moment called beautiful, with a beautiful name is constant. When become beautiful and eternal moment, it is easy to feel that life blooming moment.



  Now, the rich people's life, electrical home more, such as: TV, computer, telephone etc.. We are all these children home treasure, is "little princess", "little emperors". Therefore, many students addicted to Internet, indulgence in Internet cafes, computer, I think it is wrong to do so, students should not be obsessed with network. Our class have a classmate named https://www.zuowenku.net, he was obsessed with the Internet, play games all day at home, gradually his visual acuity decreased, learning achievement is also backward, from 40 to more than 60, thus, obsessed with the Internet harm can be really multi ah! There is a boy called Bei Bei downstairs, his elementary school the second grade, the game has been played 100 multistage. He had rushed in the computer, can play three days and nights without eating, not sleeping. Every day he is obsessed with computer, obsession in the internet. Now, he is from the original health became as thin, as if the wind can blow it away. This is obsessed with the Internet harm, the harm is big! One of the children in our neighborhood, the sixth grade this year, playing the game has been played for three years, almost every time we went to her house to see her playing the game. Every day, month, year after year to play play play, known as the "king of the Internet", she is obsessed with the Internet, and cause the decline of memory, falling grades, dizziness, eye flowers every day. She is to play the game, play computer games, obsessed with and backward best example network. Yeah! The Internet can let us find information, long exposure, but it also has bad side, if you're playing too many games, you will be addicted to the game, become a victim to play the game. So I think: students can surf the Internet, also can play the game, but can not be obsessed with Yu You play and the Internet, the network we want right amount, moderate. The Internet brings us benefits is infinite, but bring harm is not little also, let us try to absorb the good absorption, less bad, let us make Internet become our friends, not enemies. The Internet, a festival, should never be obsessed with them.
