



Pressure and power 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:38 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  The pressure is everywhere, the examination is also a kind of pressure, the study is also a kind of pressure, the poverty is also a kind of pressure, sometimes the pressure is also the power.

  We're going to convert this pressure into power.Learn to use it.Sometimes the mystery of nature is really magical ah, in the face of pressure, animals will, with the power to survive.

  I think it is normal for you to be nervous, but you have to face it bravely, grasp it, every minute and every second can make the future bright.

  Day will be a great responsibility, so people must first suffer their hearts, hungry their skin, empty body, stress is the test of our life, pressure everywhere.

Pressure and power

I came to bijin park

  Today I came to bijin park.At the gate of bijin park, I saw a row of magnificent sceneryI walked into the gate of bijin park.

  Well, I was very excited, and I saw green grass, green trees, flowers blooming, and many visitors of all shapes and colors.I was very excited, walking along, and I came to the Qiqi bridge, where there were many tourists, taking a video camera or a mobile phone to take pictures of this beautiful picture, indeed. It was really a good commanding elevation, and there was a small lake under the bridge, and there was a small boat floating on the lake, which turned out to be human. They were closing out the windows of the small boat. Um, the scene of the lake, I walked along the lake, slowly accelerated, and I started jogging, the fresh breeze blowing on my face, and I felt the breath of spring coming.I am full of hope, because I know that the four seasons of the year are coming.New time, new start, new start, we must meet a better life in a complete state.As students of the new century, we should cherish the present time, study hard and strive to move forward.Don't regret today until some day later.

  "We must face the difficulties in our future lives," he said.
