



There is Thanksgiving in America 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:38 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  In most countries.There are some special interesting festivals.Can eat traditional food.I remember in America.A special holiday is Thanksgiving.In this festival is the fourth Thursday of November.It was a beautiful fall and he brought us thanks for the food.Often at this time, we recalled the first travelers from England.They came here early, about 400 years ago.The travelers spent another hard winter here.But unfortunately, many of them died.In the fall of the new year.They want to express their gratitude for the life and food they have in the new home.So far.Many Americans celebrate this Thanksgiving by having a big meal with their family at home.But the main course of their meal is almost all of this big bird.This is a poor turkey.

  Britain has their Thanksgiving.China also has our own festivals.Qingming festival, mid-autumn festival, dragon boat festival, children's day, national day, jianjunjie, party day .

There is Thanksgiving in America

My feeling

  I am a student.In school, I am a friend of the students, in the school, we are the teacher's bosom friend.School life is always so fast.But though fast, I feel happy.The school life is always rich and colorful.I learned the joys and sorrows there.In hard study.We will feel a lot of stress.It is so, we have the pressure to have the power, the power will be successful.To think about it, learning is indispensable to success.

  At home.We are the children of our parents.We are obligated to be filial to our parents.Filial piety is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. It is the responsibility of each of us.

  On our way to growth.It is inevitable that we should take some detours.There are some difficulties and setbacks in the way we grow up.But we have to pluck up the courage to move forward, to play the strength of their own.Believe in yourself, break through yourself, and move forward.
