



My living habits 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:38 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Now, some people are very heavy, and they always worry about their health. Health is getting more and more important. Let me tell you something about me living habits.

  I always get up early and do some exercise in the morning. Then, I have my breakfast most quickly and go to school. For lunch, although junk food is very delicious, I eat more healthy food. After school, I play baskeball with my friends. In fact, I do exercise over one hour a day. At the end of a day, I listen some enjoyable music, it's good for the mind, but I never stay up late.

  These are my living habits, they are good as well as nice, that's why I can keep healthy.

My living habits

The robots in the future

  Hello,everyone! I think robots will help us a lot in the future. There will be many different kinds of robots, and they will be smart as well as helpful.

  Robots will work in the factories first because they can do the simple work over and over again and never get bored. They help people with housework, too. They do it better than people do beause they are smarter and more careluf than people. What else? In my opinion, there will be a new type of robots which can help doctors. The will be very small and they could move into the people's body to find their problems.

  All in all, I think the robots will be very helpful. What about you? Do you have any ideas about what our lives will be like with the help of robots?
