



Dear Doctor 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:39 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Dear Doctor Li,

  Recently , I have been in bad condition. It seems that I have got many health problems. For example, I like eating fast food and I hardly eat any Vegetables . I am getting fetter than before. I have hardly done any exercise since I bought the computer. I play computer games a lot. It is easy for me to catch a cold.

Dear  Doctor


  Zhai Zhingang is our national hero, He was born in a small town in Heilongjiang Province in October,1966. He has flown for many years. After training for over five years, he passed the test and became a member of the manned space flight. When he finished the 20-minute spacewalk in space , all the Chinese people cheered for him. He is the first Chinese to walk in space. China is the third country to have a spacewalk after America and Russia . We are proud of him !
