



Ip Man 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:39 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Ip Man is very popular. The main actor is Donnie Yen. This is a storg of Ip Man and his family. The story takes place in Foshan in 1930. Ip Man when the home is poor, he started very early learning Chinese kung fu. But becsuse of the war life is very hard. A lot of people are dead. But he did not give up. His kung fu skills. Eventually defeated the Japanese in a fight. Ip Man is a strong willed preson.China is proud of him . The content of the film is very exciting!

Ip  Man

Different ways to travel

  There are many different ways to travel from London to Paris. First of all, the most expensive way is to go by train and the cheapest way is to go by bus. Secondly, the quickest way to go is by plane and the slowest way to go is by bus. If you want to enjoy the most comfortable way is to go by plane. The most uncomfortable way is to go by bus. Going by train is the most interesting, while going by plane is the most boring.
