



Children is day 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:39 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Children is day is coming. I went to the supermarket to buy a present for my sister . But i do not know what is she likes. In the end , i bought a doll for her. She does not like the doll. She said she wanted a radio. But i could not afford it. I decided to buy it for her before September. I wish her has a happy children is day!

Children  is  day

My hobbies

  I want to write this composition again——my hobbies.

  Of all the hobbies, i like traveling best. In the summer holiday, i often go to travel with my parents. In this year is winter holiday , i went to Vietnam with my parents. The sea is very beautiful, so i took a lot of photos. I also drank coconut juice in Vietnam. I think my travel can bring me happiness!

  I like to take care of animals too. Such as dogs 、cats and rabbits. I like animals very much. Because they are very cute. I like pet dogs best. Pet dogs can wake you up in the morning. It can play with you. I think pet dogs are very interesting!
