



Cartoons 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:39 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  I watched cartoons at the weekend. I found the cartoon animals were very cute. They look funny. I like them very much. But I will spend more time to learn . I feel badly now. Everything looks bad. So i need to study hard. I can not play at the weekend . I can not watch TV every day. But I really want to have a dog like snoopy. It looks like a ball, and it is like black and white ball.


The birthday party

  This Saturday is my friend is birthday. We had a good time. But when we play , it was raining. I walked with my friends to the supermarket. And we went to buy a lot of foods. And then we went to KFC. We ate hamburger、 French fries and fired chicken and drank cola. We spent 126 yuan in KFC. And then we went to a bookshop. We spent two hours in a bookshop. The most important thing is i send a pig doll to her. She likes very much and she saied thank you to me.
