



英语“天才”和“飞毛腿”的结合作文 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:39 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文



  金宏润是体育健将,最让我们佩服的是他那双“飞毛腿”。在运动会的跑步项目里,他取得了多个好成绩,让人记忆深刻的是800米夺冠。跑到最后一圈时,他和几个其他班的高手还不相上下,最后100米的时候,突然他如一支离弦之箭一样射了出去,赛场上一下子沸腾起来,我们班的加油声立刻响彻运动场,最终金宏润以很大优势夺得第一名。( )



Way To Improve Of The English Language

  At now , english language become the international language. So , we must hard to improve our english language. There are many ways to improve our language.

  We can read english newspapers every day. Reading newspapers can help our to improve the english language. Newspapers have a lot of interesting news. This also can help our to increase our knowledge. When we have a problem of words meaning , we can find the dictionary.

  We can ask our teacher and classmates when we have a problem. Example when we don't know how to do the exercise book or practise sheets , we can ask our teachers and classmates. I believe they will help us with a kind heart.

  We also can speak english language. In house , we can speak english with our parents and neighborhood. In school , we can speak english with friends and teachers. This is an action to improve our english language.

  These are my idea to improve the english language. There are also many ways likes reading storybooks and do more exercise books. We must hard to improve our english language.
