



A wonderful day 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:40 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Today my friend Li hua came to visit me so I decided to show him around the city,in the morning,we went to Guangzhou’s museum,and we learned about the Guangzhou’s history,in the afternoon,we went to the bai yun mountain,when we got to the top,we were so tired,it took us three hours to climb the mountain,but the city looked very beautiful from the top of the hill,in the evening,we went to the bookstore and buy some books,and we visited the night zoo ,we had great fun there,how wonderful the day was !

A wonderful day

Chicken soup with noodles.

  Do you like eating chicken soup with noodles,here is one way to make chicken soup with noodles,first,put enough water into the pot,and then boil the water.When it is ready,put some noodles into the pot and cook them for two minutes.Next,place the noodles into a large bowl and make chicken soup.Finally,put the chicken soup into the bowl.Now,it's time to enjoy the chicken soup with noodles.
