



进步还是退步? 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:40 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  With the development of science and technology, China has become one of the major powers. However, these technologies are really good? The ancient people, rely on their own ability to survive, wind and rain still in order to survive and hunting. Now? Wind and rain, big winds, what bad weather, people will stay at home. You can blow air conditioning, watch tv. People become lazy. The body also is less strong. In this case, what is the progress of mankind, or human regress?



  Generation gap. The relationship between the generation and generation. As between the old man and the child, one side is seen a lot of the old culture, the other side is seen new modern technology, the two parties will inevitably conflict. This is generally very annoying, but, really so difficult to eliminate the generation gap? The answer is no.. We should learn to accept each other, respect each other, then get up and would be much easier, but also eliminates the so-called generation gap.
