



消除代沟 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:40 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Generation gap. The relationship between the generation and generation. As between the old man and the child, one side is seen a lot of the old culture, the other side is seen new modern technology, the two parties will inevitably conflict. This is generally very annoying, but, really so difficult to eliminate the generation gap? The answer is no.. We should learn to accept each other, respect each other, then get up and would be much easier, but also eliminates the so-called generation gap.


My parents' habts

  My mother is a healthy woman,she always exercises in the morning.For breakfast,she usually has an egg,some bread and drinks milk.And she never stays up late because she usually says,early to bed early to rise.My mother watches TV for an hour a day and she never eats junk food or drinks coffee.Also she has little meat.She always has vegetables and fruit.And she brushes teeth twice a day.My mother likes reading books best.And she reads books once a day.

  My father was fat man.But now he is thin.Because he always plays sports at six in the morning.And he plays sports twice a day.He never has drunk food or drinks coffee,too.Because he likes drinking tea.But he has a bad habit.He always watches TV for more than three hours a day.He always watches basketball games and soccer games.He thinks is exciting.
