



我的妈妈 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:41 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Mother "is a holy and lofty word. It brings to mind hardworking, competent and selfless love. My mother is a hard-working, competent people. She is to work, and to manage the housework. Every day, busy, busy, but is, she always can arrange work and life have to have the reason, of do their job well. Because of this, my mother's colleagues and neighbors uncle, aunt always kua she can do, I also secretly admire mother's talents. Mother is a teacher. She loves her students. To recognize true and responsible work, also willing to accept the school assigned tasks. And can always get things done. On one occasion, the school will take the "children". My mother busy all day. In class during the day, noon to go home, to rehearse dance and sing a song... Night, still open lamp, corrects students' papers, prepares a lesson, my mother was like this for three days and three nights, harm she was ill, but mom don not shout, or so in the past. In the home, mother is also summarized the housework in the home line. Every day cooking, sweeping, washing clothes... She did a light Loose easily, quickly. Especially the cooking craft, really let a person full of praise. Once home to the guest, I thought: "today is a good meal." I quietly walked into the kitchen to see mom cooking. See mother chest wearing an apron, in cooking. In a short time, in front of turnip Fried good, fragrance pubi come, my mouth water. After an hour, the table already filled with delicious food, have a big, red shrimp, radish scrambled eggs,... I ate up to Wolf down, the guests eat with relish, mother also kua well done. My mother is an ordinary person. But her diligence, she do, however, make I admire, I often secretly think: growing up I must be a mother. The word mother though insipid, but the deepest love is every heart, the person mother's love is the world's most selfless, the most pure, the most simple and honest, for their own children are always generous, because you are her most want to protect, care, love.



  To decline sunset, suggesting that the endless darkness coming. Looking at the home of a ray of light disappeared, I feel there has never been the fear. I stood at the window, facing the direction of sunset disappear, emitting a look at building the house window in the orange yellow halo, my heart is full of longing, that may be emitted a little candle light, although not as well as the light is so bright, but full of warm feeling. I turned around, looked at home in the dark, some loss is inevitable, want to find a candle lit, but are not familiar with the home location of goods, but also no point for me to find the candle light. I continue to wander in darkness, while looking forward to hurry to call, while eager parents home, as I lit the hope of darkness. I curled up on the sofa corner, helplessly looking at the opposite upstairs Nama orange. Do not know how long after, the door opened. I immediately jumped up, looked at the mother lit a candle, I seem to see hope, see happiness. Orange light filled the room, I seem to see happiness filled the room. Some people say, happiness is invisible, not touch, only heart to savor. But I found that sometimes, happiness is in a yellow in the dark. Perhaps, in my heart, that is happiness have color. Although the monotonous, but also beautiful than the colors of the rainbow. Originally, it is not quiet, always leave some trace, like, in the dark orange...... When you need most, let you know what is happiness, what is warm. Happiness always give me too many surprises, also give me so much happy, because of this, I cherish you give me happiness.
