



My society was concerne 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:41 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  My society was concerned about people.

  My home likes the jug of a honey ,And I sleep in the jug of honey as in the cradle.Here ,Wind can not blow me ,Rain can not drench me.I am that mama flatter in the hand and is afraid of broken 、。Contain in the mouth and was afraid treasure of melting son.Stay at home noodles I am the young most st ,So everyone humours me.I become not to be concerned about others gradually ,Shut all the love and be regard as insipid ,Of course be regard as.But from happen after that matter ,I finally learnt to be concerned about others.

  That is a Friday 's evening ,All are same as usual ,I like a small bird only return den and dash go home.I push the door ,The room is very quiet ,Why don't meet mama former days busy figure ?I approach mama 's bedroom directly ,Only meet mama and lie in the bed ,It is burning red all over the face ,Brows twists and make one ,Is groaning now and then.I put down the schoolbag quickly ,Sit in the mama by her side ,: is asked with neutral tone."Mama ,What is the matter ?"Mama answers the : in the weak sound."Have some have a fever ,Perhaps was to catch cold.Meal is in the kitchen ,Perhaps a bit cool ,I add to you and heat up."Saying have to be started a journey get out of bed.I in great hurry according to live in mama and say :。"Mama ,You don't talk ,Have a rest !"I felt mama 's forehead with hand.Oh !Very hot !I make dad 's mobile telephone in great hurry ,But how beat and all beat don't be passable.I am as impatient as ant on the hot cooking-pot.--Round and round.Connection doesn't go to the dad ,When I only want whenever I fall ill , parents ' practice ,Half of a dried gourd which serves as a dipper is drew according to the calabash.I run to restroom ,Soaked the towel with the unboiled waterl ,Put on the mama 's forehead.Then ,Go to find to come to medicine catch cold in great hurry ,Feed mama and eat down ,And I ,Have been guarding in the mama by her side ,巾 molts to mama ,Gradually ,Mama 's face not so turned red ,The spirit is better.

  Think mama have not yet had dinner ,I say to want to go out to buy.Then ,Mama pulled me by the hand ,Say :。"Really is mama 's good daughter ,Knew to love mama."Mama gratified laughed ,Is flashing in the eyes some tears bare …。…。

My society was concerne



  某日下午,爸爸正在房间里熟睡。我偷偷地溜了进去,心中窃喜:哈哈!趁此良机,何不把我的“宝贝”——《哈利 波特》拿出来?想到这儿,我蹑手蹑脚地走到书桌前,正欲拿书。忽然,爸爸高亢地“喊”了一声:“Stop! Stop! Stop! ”我吃了一惊,刚伸出去的手像触了电似的缩了回来。真是“做贼心虚”啊!再看看爸爸,正睡得迷迷糊糊,转过身又酣睡了。我这才松了一口气,真是虚惊一场啊!见事不妙,我连忙“撤离”了现场。


  这一天,爸爸刚起床,就直奔卫生间。好一半天也不见他出来,不会出什么事吧?我心里猜测着。看来还得由我这个小“侦探”亲自出马。我迅速跑到门前,透过门缝往里瞧。哟,爸爸正对着镜子臭美,嘴中叨叨絮絮的念到:“mirror,mirror…。。。”不时用手比画着。紧接着,慢吞吞地拿起毛巾,开始洗脸。嘴中仍不忘念:“Wash face,Wash face。。。。。。 ”我见了,又好气又好笑,忍不住大叫:“爸爸,您已经在这半个小时了!”爸爸回过头,疑惑地看了我一眼,才不情愿地走出了卫生间,嘴里喃喃自语:“Tomorrow ,and Ttomorrow, and Tomorrow。。。。。。”天啊!怎么走路时也说英语啊,看来老爸这病是“无药可救”了!

  该到做午饭了,爸爸主动请缨,由他掌勺。情况可疑,我可得提防着点,要知道爸爸平常可是“衣来伸手,饭来张口”的主啊!我悄悄地“埋伏”起来,“监视”老爸,免得“连累”了全家。爸爸轻掩上门,开始展示他的“高超技术”。“洗、漂、切、煮“,有模有样,可是这样的场面只是昙花一现,该放盐时,爸爸露出了”庐山真面目”。嘴中不停地念:salt, salt。一勺一勺的盐被有节奏地放了下去,看得我目瞪口呆,好一会儿才缓过神来,急忙上前阻止:“哎呀,老爸,salt!salt!salt!”爸爸这才恍然大悟,放下手中的salt,手忙脚乱地烧了起来。到了吃饭时间,烧出来的菜当然惨不忍睹,不是咸得发苦,就是淡得没味。而老爸的自我感觉却很不错,一个劲地说:“Delicious!Delious! Delious!”。

  哎!This is some days!
