



初二英语作文:StudyinClassando 600字初中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:42 栏目:初中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Our study can be pided into two parts: one is in class and the other is out of class. Both of them are important to students. They depend on each other.

  We must attach importance to after-class What we have learnt in class is very. limited, because only knowledge in textbooks can be acquired. However, we can learn more out of class. A most important thing is that knowledge comes from practice. In the after- class study we can apply out knowledge to practice.

  Just Iike after-class study, study in class is also very important. It occupies most of our time. We must pay much attention to it. In-class study and after-class study are closely connected with each other and improve each other.

  If that's the case, why don't we combine them and study effectively?


My week

  Bu Bu Gao Training English School

  (步步高英语培训学校 徐源)

  My name is Xu Yuan. My English name is Jason. I am astudent. I am eleven years old. I study in LianHuasi school. We oftenstudy Chinese class, math class, English class and science class. At 3’o clock. I often play soccer, play basketball and football , play ping-pongat 3’0 clock, on Saturday. But I always do homework on Saturday. I goshopping on Sunday. I get up at 7:oo. I eat breakfast at 7:10. I domorning exercises at 10:10. I have English class at 9:00. I have mathclass at 8:30. IhaveChineseclassat3:00 . Myfavouritefruitisstrawberryandsweetwatermelon . Myfavouritecolourisblue . It’sbeautiful . Myfavouriteanimalisrabbit . It’scute . Rabbiteatscarrot . Rabbithavemanywhiteteeth . Idon’tlikesnake . Mybirthdayison24thJune . Thisisme . It’sfunny .
