



Everything about morderation is kind of experience 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:45 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  I have seen such a story.President Eisenhower once visited the Maxwell coffee factory. The boss of this fatory asked him to taste new coffee.He drank it in one breath and praised it .He said:“Drinking the last drop is also fragrant”.Then turned the cup over and showed it to others.There was no drop left.The movement of this president inspried advertisers.Since then,he has used the solgan "Drinking the last drop is also fragrant"and printed a coffee cup that emptied the last drop on the coffee package.Imagine if the president thought coffee was good and the greedy persons wanted a few more cups.He might have lost the aroma of coffee. Or with the mentality of not drinking is waste,and drank too much.It will only be a mechanical pharynx,not be a kind of enjoyment.

  Therefore, everthing about morderation is kind of experience.

Everything about morderation is kind of experience

The mystery of the pyramid

  Pyramids were one of the four miracles of easten.Egypt was one of those ancient civilization countries in the world with the longest history.Pyramids were the representative work of Egypt civilization.They were established in desert,their structure were very ingenious,and their appearance were very magnificent.They were symbol of Egypt.Pyramids were the sleep lands of egyptian pharaohs after their death.Following i will show you the 12 mystery of the pyramids.

  Too many unknowns about pyramids,here i just show you the 12 mystery of them that concerned about much,and provide for discussion and research to amateurs.They are the exploration of the monuments of Tula、the close connection of cast stones、the Riddle of Sphinx、the secret of architecture、the body of animals and plants never rot after their death for thousands of years、the 200th person who fell to death、theamazing function and other things、the elevation of pyramids、tombs shroud by mystery veil、the secret passage and complete ships、the pyramids of Bermuda、Guanzhou giant groups.
