



My 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:46 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Everybody is good! My name is bill. I will be a lot like the stars in the sky, countless. I just introduce two here. I will be music and sports. For music, I will be all kinds of Musical Instruments. I can play the violin. I can play the piano. I will play the drums. I can play the trumpet. I will play the flute. May be the reason for the genetic my mom, I have a talent for music. I will write music, very early to think learning music, is very simple. For sports, I run, I run fast, can run 70 meters within 10 seconds. I will play badminton. I will play football. I'll play volleyball... What about you?


My school day

  Everybody is good! My name is bill, I this year 14 years old! I come from China! Next, I told you about my school day.Every morning, I must get up at 6 o 'clock. After I finish my bed. I eat breakfast at half past six, usually, my breakfast is a steamed vermicelli roll. After that, I go to school. I go to school on foot. Why do I go to school on foot? Oh, because my home is near the school. Only about 500 meters, it takes me about ten minutes. I have my lunch at twelve o 'clock, I eat lots of fruits and vegetables. I think it's very nutritious. Then, I go to school at ten. I usually got home ten to six. Then I do my homework. I go to bed at ten o 'clock.
