



Self introduction 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:46 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Hello!My name is Li Ming.My first name is Ming,and my last name is Li.I'm a boy and I'm 13 years old.I'm of medium height and of medium build.I wear a pair of glasses.And I have short long black hair.my telephone number is 555-7996,my qq number is 4567890.My room is tidy.In my room,there's a bed,a desk,a bookcase saw and a computer.My books are in my schoolbag.My clock is on my desk.

  How do you like me?

Self introduction


  My hobby is singing .Singing can make me happy .It's brings pleasure and success to me .

  I have learnt it since I was a child in 2010 .

  At first ,I didn't know how to do it well .My friends helped me and told me how to do it .

  But now ,I can do it better than before .My paients and my friends are both happy to see my progress .I will be good at it ,one day if I keep on pratising every day .
