



《寂寞丛书楼》读后感 读后感作文

2022-03-10 06:01:00 栏目:读后感作文 来源:蘑菇文
好久没有拜读韦明铧伯伯的文章了,在一次偶然的机会中,我读到了一篇《寂寞丛书楼》。我没有想到作为扬州人的我竟然不曾知晓这座有着悠久历史的丛书楼。更不用说其他人了。现在的我们只关心韩国,日本等国的流行资讯,而忽略了本国的历史文化。  丛书楼坐落在扬州个园的东南角,一个人迹罕至的小院里。一座貌不惊人的小楼,上下两层,左右三间,正面朝阳,背倚山石。上下都是木雕的原始结构,显得古朴而冷清。即使是这样的一座小楼,在中国古代私人藏书史上,曾经有过他的辉煌。  他是小玲珑山馆十二景之一,是其灵魂所在;他经历了4位主人的转手交接;他曾是扬州八怪以及名人政客(厉鹗、郑燮……)的聚会地;他也是清时全国最有名的藏书胜地;他更是清代著名文人马氏兄弟的心血之造。历史的变迁早已将一切磨净,只剩下他一人,独自面对寂寞的永远。  经过岁月洗礼的丛书楼是时间的车轮,历史的见证。他的破旧与斑迹是现代工业所模仿不来的。他见证了盐商的没落、扬州的没落、甚至大清帝国的没落。但他终究逃脱不了现代社会所附加给他的文明因素。他默默的承受着一切,曾经深藏腹中的十万卷名书,早已失去踪迹。曾经为《四库全书》的编撰而贡献过很大力的他,失去了昔日的辉煌。他流泪了,就象一个迷路的孩子一样,他找不到自己的路,母亲已同白鹤一起一去不返了,只留下他一人独自面对下个,下下个世纪的到来。  他想不通,为什么母亲不带他走?却要留下他见证沧海变桑田,人性善恶转变的悲伤。如今的他虽已面貌一新,但用失去当年的万卷藏书的代价换来的象征现代文明的小卖部和接待处,无法让他快乐。他不开心,他怀念过往的一切,珍惜岁月、历史遗留在他身上的印记。  他的不开心也印证了我们的不开心。《寂寞丛书楼》一文的出现将我们内心深藏的脆落揭露的无处可躲。我们要勇于面对现实,不再刻意逃避,学会去过自己的本能生活而非时代强加给我们的所谓的快乐生活。  他需要同母亲的交流,需要同时代的交流。可是现实没有赋予他这样的机会。我们又何尝不是呢!我们成长在世界和平,经济发达的21世纪的地球,我们喜欢边听歌边聊天的生活方式,喜欢哈韩哈日的奇装异服,喜欢KTV、网吧,喜欢将自己的快乐建立在他人的痛苦之上……我们是这个社会上自私的一代,堕落的一代,我们没有机会和父母交流。而他们也只会一味的给予我们所想要的生活或是他们心中的幸福生活,我们学会去不断的索求,学会去不断的遗忘历史,学会去不断的接受外来国度带给我们的精神与物质上的同化。  我们逆来顺受,隐藏着内心的那份脆落,心灵的空虚,寂寞。同丛书楼一样的寂寞,不,他不寂寞,因为他还有远方的我们在看着他,关心着他,还有一大批学者注视着他,研究着他。但是却没有人来了解我们,因为连我们自己都不曾真正了解过自己。走在大街上,穿的很哈,很时尚的小妹妹们眉飞色舞,她们真的开心吗?她们只是想用表面的快乐来掩饰她们真实内心的惟恐和空虚寂寞罢了。  记得有人说过,我们已经失去了原本的民族气节,可是昨天的我重新看到了我们的伟大的民族气节终于重现了。也许我们不久就可以打开心扉,畅所欲言了吧,可以过真正属于我们的幸福快乐生活了吧。可是丛书搂却没有办法畅所欲言,他只能够期待下一位名主的早日降临。  他会想念他的马氏之主,我们会怀念那个曾经单纯的自己。  明天,我一定要去探望他,了解他的内心,他的寂寞与痛楚,同他交流,对他倾诉,就象一对爷孙一样的亲密——心中的丛书楼,不再寂寞的丛书楼,永远的丛书楼!



英文读后感 To Be Or Not To Be, That Is the Question

To Be Or Not To Be, That Is the Question—— My view on reading The Star Zoo

段 旭 北京市丰台区长辛店北京十中高三 阅读书目:星际动物园 The Star Zoo (书虫· 牛津英汉双语读物)

As the only living things on a bare planet called “Just Like Home”, humans felt lonely and sad. In order to live, they must get married as often as possible and have children. Unwilling to get married, our 16-year-old protagonist named Humming Bird ran away from her planet and found a plastic space ship. There she met various kinds of animals, which frightened her even drove her crazy. She had never seen such things before. Only through ‘The Book Of Remembering’ did she get some rough idea of animals. After she took a small-copied cat home and showed it to the officials on her planet, the cat was shot to death and all the officials went crazy. Humming Brid didn’t give up her attempt to let people accept the animals. She decided to set about the job from children…

That’s the brief plot of Harry Gilbert’s science fiction—<The Star Zoo>. Based on the reality of increasing environmental problems, the writer uses his full imagination and creativity to produce this vivid imaginative and thought-provoking story.

As far as we know, animal numbers are now diminishing all over the world every years, and the living conditions we depend on a getting worse. We dirty the air with gases and smoke, poison the water with chemicals and other substances and damage the soil with too many fertilizers and pesticides. We also pollute our surroundings in many other ways. Air, water and soil are all very important and necessary to the survival of all living things all over the world. If we human don’t pay more attention to that, there will come a day when we have to live the kind of life described in this novel. As we know, the world is made up not only of human beings but also a lot of other living things. If we don’t want to leave this perfect planet, we have to protect the environment; otherwise, without the company of other living things, people would only be half-alive, men only half-men.

Nowadays, I should say, people have realized the importance of environmental protection and ecological balance. Slogans that remind us to save water and electricity are stuck everywhere, but how many are treated as requirements or duties and not just a piece of paper. If we pay a little attention to our working and study places, we always find some taps half opened with running water, and large numbers of people get used to leave lights on during the day. Dustbins for both recycled and unredeemable rubbish are placed in high density but no one bothers to throw the rubbish into the right dustbins. Nor do they even know what kind of rubbish could be recycled and what kind could not.

Conservation centers for protecting animals are built in many countries. Our government also passed some acts to protect animals; however, there do exist some law-breakers who are driven by money. We plant trees very year, but no one bothers to water and care for them after planting them. For money, some farmers drive their sheep and cattle to grasslands and charge it into desert.

All in all, to every one, I want to say, “Living on this wonderful planet earth, we are lucky and happy. In order to enjoy this kind of wonderful life, we must care for mother earth and put this kind of care into practice.”

Facing the world, to be or not to be, it’s up to you. We must make a choice without any hesitation!
