



The Lucky Farmer 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:47 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  There was once a farmer named Aaron. He was very poor and lived with his family in a small, old, wooden house, They were always hungry and miserable, because they never had enough food.

  One day, Aaron was digging in the field near his house. He was going to play some vegetables. Suddenly his hoe hit something hard. CLANG! Aaron was very surprised and called his wife.

  Aaron knelt down and used both hands to brush aside the earth. He saw a big, iron chest in the earth. Quickly he pulled it up and opened it. Inside were hundreds of gold coins. "Look, gold! We're rich!" he cried excitedly to her.

  After that, Aaron sold all of the gold coins. Since he had sold the gold coins, he became a very rich man. He and his family lived in a big house. Aaron felt so fortunate.

The Lucky Farmer

My friend peter

  I have a good friend .He name is Peter .He comes from England .He comes to Beijing with his family by plane .He has a nice family .His father is a teacher and his mother is a nurse .They work from Monday to Friday .At weekends ,his mother likes cooking and his father likes fishing .They all like Chinese food .What is their favourite Chinese food ?It is dumplings .They are very happy every day .

  Peter stduies very hard .He hopes to be a good doctor when he grows up .Student in our class all like him very much .
