



My blog 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:47 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  I live with my parents in the city ,but my elder sister lives with my grandparents in the village .The village is far away from the city .Every year ,I go to visit them.They are always email sb .My sister and I often play together when I go there .She loves me very much and I love her too .There I friendly the country life.I like it very much .Every time I leave ,my grandparents ask me to learn about in my free time to tell them what I do .And now I am writing an email to them .

My     blog

Plastic is introduced

  Hello,everyone ,I am a plastic bag .A lot of people use me to carry things every day . There are many things I can carry ,such as food ,clothes and books .I have a lot of colorful brothers and sisters in the world .People sell us to big or small markets .The keepers of the markets use us to carry things and people can have us with no money .After getting home ,people throw us away .There are is a new rule .People have to buy us .The rule make people use us less or use us to carry other things again .I will not pollute the Earth too much .
