



My rules 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:48 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Hello, my nane is Wang Yingfeng I have a lot of rules. I have to go to school at 7 o 'clock, I can't be late. In school, do not run in the hallways, cannot take music player to school, can't fight in school. Can't eat in class, can't talk in class. After school, I have to go home to do my homework, after dinner, I have to wash the dishes and so on. This is my rule, what rules do you have?

My rules

My day 100字

  Hello, I'm a middle school student, my name is WangYing I get up at 6 o 'clock every morning, eat breakfast at half past six, go to school at 7 o 'clock. 12 noon to eat lunch, after that I will go home. And go to school at half past 13. In the afternoon, after school, I want to go home for dinner. I again want to go to school at half past 17, twenty-one to twenty, after school I can not play, because I have to write my homework. I usually sleep in 22 points.
