



spring 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:48 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Casual voice at the door of spring, broke the icy river, giving the tree of life. The scent touched everyone's face, and took away the cold in the winter and helpless. Left the awaken of spring being in the world.

  The grass out from the ground, looking at a whole new world, floret reached yawn, twisted his body again. The birds do not help, sing beautiful songs, awaken hibernating animals.

  What a beautiful spring!



  Autumn comes always inadvertently, take away the heat in the summer, brought a deep sadness.

  Pieces of yellow leaves float down, life is so quietly passed, without leaving any trace. Throughout all the land of the fallen leaves, take off the forest green clothes, put on the orange coat, the autumn wind blows to the face, from time to time came the cool and refreshing, blow away the haze of life, has brought some cool and refreshing, make me a love-hate relationship. This is fall to my love-hate relationship.
