



A recount of a trip to waterfall 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:48 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  During the school holiday, my friends and I went to Ulu Yam Waterfall in Johor. In the early morning, we took a bus to the waterfall at the bus station. We were very excited and as happy as a king. The scenic view on the way to the waterfall was beautiful.

  After a 30-minutes ride,we arrived at the most famous waterfall in Johor, the Ulu Yam Waterfall. We had a fun at the waterfall. We played and splashed water at each other. The water was icy cold and crystal clear. It was also clean and clear like a mirror.

  Suddenly, it started to rain. We quickly found a shelter to avoid getting wet and falling sick. When it finally stopped raining, we had a barbecue for lunch. We finished all the food and drinks as we had used up a lot of energy. In the evening, we went home with the bus.

  A trip to the Ulu Yam Waterfall was an eye-opener and it was fun. The Ulu Yam Waterfall is aplaceto relax ourselves and get away from hustle and bustle. I hope my friend and I will visit the Ulu Yam Waterfall again.

A recount of a trip to waterfall

A letter to invite your friend

  Dear Simon,

  How are you and your family in Hong Kong? My family and I are fine here. I hope you are fine and happy too in Hong Kong. I received your letter last week. In the letter you said that you would be visiting us during the June holidays. My parents and I are happy because you are coming. We would be taking you ti visit some popular places in Malaysia.

  My parent and I planned to take you to Kuala Lumpur. I remember you mentioned before that you would like to see the Twin Towers. So, we will see Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur, the tallest building in Malaysia. We will also be shopping in KLCC. It is a very big shopping centre in Kuala Lumpur. We can buy anything that we need there. The KLCC also well-decorated with many pretty and colourful decorations like balloons and ribbons.

  Then, We can visit the National Museum and the National Zoo Kuala Lumpur. In the National Zoo, we will see a lot of animals like zebras, lions, tigers, and your love animal, the penguins. You can also watch some special events leke the elephant show. I hope you will love it.

  Next, we will visit Penang. We will go up Penang Hill by Train. We could see beautiful scenery there. After that, we will visit the Snake Temple and Kek Lok Si Temple. In the Snake Temple, there, there will be many different types of snakes. We also can take pictures with them. Ti will be a special and unforgetable experience for you. You can also try some famous food in Penang, the Penang laksa and Penang rojak. I think you will like it.

  We can have a picnic and swim at the Batu Ferringhi beach. The sea water there is clean like a crystal and icing. You can pick some beautiful and special seashells too.

  Send me you plan before you are coming. So,I can take you to visit more places. Take care of yourself. I have to sign off now.

  Lots of love,

