



Whistle吹口哨 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:49 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Oh, how Peter wished he could whistle!


  He saw a boy playing with his dog. Whenver the boy whistled, the dog ran straight to him.


  Peter tried to whistle, but he couldn’t. So instead he began to turn himself around---around and around he whirled … faster and faster …。


  When he stopped everything returned down… and up …

  and up … and down … and around and around.



  Peter saw his dog, Willie, coming. Quick as a wink, he hid in an empty carton lying on the sidewalk.


  “Wouldn’t it be funny if I whistled?” Peter thought.


  “Willie would stop and look all around to see who it was.” Peter tried again to whistle---but still he couldn’t. So Willie just walked on.



  Peter got out of the cartoon and stared home. On the way he took colored chalks out of his pocket and drew a long, long line right up to his door.


  He stood there and tried to whistle again. He blew till his cheeks were tired. But nothing happened.


  He went into his house and put on his father’s old hat to make himself feel more grown-up. He looked into the mirror to practice whistling. Still no whistle!


  When his mother saw what he was doing, Peter preteded that he was his father. He said, “I’ve come home early today, dear. Is Peter here?”


  His mother answered, “Why no, he’s outside with Willie.” “Well, I’ll go out and look for them,” said Peter.



  First he walked along a crack in the sidewalk. Then he tried to run away from his shadow.


  He jumped off his shadow, but when he landed they were together again.


  He came to the corner where the carton was, and who should he see but Willie!


  Peter scrambled under the carton. He blew and blew. Suddenly---out came a real whistle!


  Willie stopped and looked around to see who it was.


  “It’s me,” Peter shouted, and stood up. Willie race straight to him.


  Peter ran home to show his father and mother what he could do. They loved Peter’s whistling. So did Willie.


  Peter’s mother asked him and Willie to go on an errand to the grocery store.


  He whistled all the way there, and he whistled all the way home.



My friend

  Hello everybody ! Today, we have a new friend! Her name is Gianni Brown,and she is 14 years old!

  She is in NO.1 Middle school and study in the first class, we are in the same class! We are good friends. She likes painting. Because she thinks that painting is a identity thing. But I don't like painting, because I think that is very boring. I like playing video games, because I think it can make me relax. Gianni also like playing games, but her playing is not very good! Her favorite subject are art, music and sports. Her favorite teacher is the living creature teacher! Because she thought he was very interesting. His favorite animal is a kitten, because she felt cats is very lovely!

  This is my friend, I hope we are good friends forever!
