



Lady GaGa,She was born 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:50 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  许多朋友问我为什么喜欢Lady GaGa,她有时候穿的那么雷人,搞不懂。




  当《Red and blue》发行的那一天,那个时候,许多人或许连史蒂芬妮这个名字都没有听说过,GAGA那时或许也没有想到,自己今后会通过《The Fame》一夜成名吧,她更不会想到,自己今后会走完全不同的风格,在音乐界和时尚界都拥有自己的一片天地。

  从《The Fame》,到《Born this way》;从《Poker Face》,到《Born This way》,你或许知道她光彩照人的一面,你或许知道,她是如今的霸气天后和闪耀女皇,可是你是否知道她背后的故事?

  在inside the outside中,Lady GaGa说她高中时不停被人欺负,甚至被丢进垃圾桶,屈辱至极,但为了给有同样遭遇的粉丝勇气,不惜自揭这些难堪往事。 GAGA在14岁时,每天被同学霸凌:“太多人了,有人打我,有人用言语羞辱我,一次又一次,我根本记不起来。”






  没错,她就是这么的喜欢做自己,她没有金色的头发,白皙的皮肤,高挑的身材,精艳的容貌。但是,她敢作自己,她想通过自己,向所有不理解她的愚蠢的人们证明:I was born this way!这条永恒不变的真理!

  GAGA是智慧的,为了宣传自己,她可以不择手段;GAGA为了证明自己,她从没有退缩过,Judas的宣传就是她智慧与勇气的结晶,那时,她的日程,是常人无法忍受的,那段时间,她每天都要到不同的地方演出四五场。她退缩了吗?没有,它不但没有退缩,反而更加坚强,更加勇敢,“爱拼才会赢”她懂得这句话蕴含的真正的含义,最终她成功了,她再次向世界呐喊出了,她做人所蕴含的智慧,拼搏中所蕴含的勇气,她向全世界庄严的宣布:“I was born way!”




  她就是成熟、稳重、智慧的Lady GaGa!

  世界最大的视频分享网站:Youtube 点击率首破亿,世界第一人—Lady GaGa

  世界最大的微博客服务网站:Twitter粉丝数第一,世界第一人—Lady GaGa


  世界最大的社交网络服务网站:Facebook好友数第一,世界第一人—Lady GaGa

  世界最大的搜索引擎网站:Google 搜索量第一,世界第一人——Lady GaGa



Lady GaGa,She was born

I Want to Depend on of

  The bird feathers plump, then to fly, no longer rely on big bird; The fruit is mature, and then to leave the trees, no longer rely on the tree; And I, no matter where I grew up, want to rely on, or not, is always you, my dear mother.

  You often say that I grew up, and to free-standing self-improvement, forbid to do "boomerang child", "moonlight clan", lifetime depend on parents. Often hear these, I always disdain his head, pie pie, proudly say: "I do not you!" And in the mind but always waves of uncomfortable, is different and the feeling.

  You know, I want to rely on is you not money and material, is your vision, your behavior, your words.

  As a child, you stepping on a bicycle take me in kindergarten, your back, "I already tang quiet night think" is at that time to learn. Jude remember you hold me get off, after listening to my back, the eyes of the tender meet fell upon me, and if, like me, was muffled net ignorant I still don't understand eyes showing appreciation and encouragement, just feel like got favorite candy, will be happy excited all day, full of motivation.

  In elementary school, the first time you picked up the chopsticks hit me. Since the childhood, only this time, I remember: "go play two bottles of drinking water, mom to give you make tea to drink!" In order to milk tea I fly from the boiled water, and general mom was bubble cup of green tea, hard to drink a grievance, anger, I all things from the water, in just a resultant effect "hua" gone down the drain, you hold a root chopsticks, holding hands, it'll call on me, and on the red mark. "Call you, that your temper smelly capricious, is to teach you!" A good beat, a cry bitterly, finally convergence my crime gas

  Top junior high school class cadre, campaign, from childhood to do the monitor of I didn't choose, the heart has the filar silk loss, coupled with some words of catalysis, competitive military training and the next day I go home, you know my tears guess the reasons why and angry to say to me: "we ought not, what is the big deal! Have the skill of take the result against." to come back A awoken him monitor need good grades, no doubt about that, I even three time examination in a later, finally won the position with strength.

  I'm afraid I can't leave your mother. Your eyes favor me courage, power; Your action I cleverly, convergence church; Your word to the direction, I watch.

  No matter where the birds, no matter whether the fruit be born, blue sky and white clouds, the life of the road, I want to rely on is you, mother.
