



如何提高英语作文水平? 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:53 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文



  我平时做事情逻辑思路就很乱,听人说。1背课文和参考例文。每次考试后老师因该会把考试作文的范文抄出来,自己抄下来,能背下来最好,不行也要熟读。课文就不用说了,每篇至少要读5遍。 2。背单词。我这里说的单词不仅仅是指课本上的单词,要尽量加大自己的词汇量,所选单词的最好出处是平时所做的阅读和完形,每天背上几个自己感觉高级德词汇。有时,同一个意思,词用的好可以添不少彩(例如说大可以用big,large,huge,但很明显用后两个效果要好于第一个) 3。记住典型文章的格式。目前高考的英语作文以应用文为主,记住应用文的一些基本格式是保证分数的关键(例如写书信开头就可以来上一句I"m writing to tell you something about。。。。)。 4。记住一些经典句子。在英语作文里如果能用上一些英语谚语,那是非常处彩的(例如说一个有两面性的事情可以说:But as everyone knows,every coin has two sides。)d 5。语言要地道。英语作文的一大忌就是使用Chinglish,也就是中国式英语,有些意思如果表达不出来就换个说法,语言是活的,使用简单平庸的句子总好过错误德、滑稽德句子。




  What Caused The Financial Crisis?

  I think we can sum up(总结,概括) the cause of our current economic crisis in one word — GREED(贪婪)。

  Over the years, mortgage lenders were happy to lend money to people who couldn‘t afford their mortgages。 But they did it anyway because there was nothing to lose。 These lenders were able to charge higher interest rates and make more money on sub-prime loans。 If the borrowers default,they simply seized the house and put it back on the market。

  On top of that, they were able to pass the risk off to mortgage insurer or package these mortgages as mortgage-backed securities。 Easy money!and what went wrong with our financial system?

  The whole thing was one big scheme。 Everything was great when houses were selling like hot cakes and their values go up every month。 Lenders made it easier to borrow money,and the higher demand drove up house values。 Higher house values means that lenders could lend out even bigger mortgages, and it also gave lenders some protection against foreclosures。

  All of this translates into more money for the lenders, insurers, and investors。 Unfortunately, many borrowers got slammed when their adjustable mortgage finally adjusted。 When too many of them couldn‘t afford to make their payments, it causes these lenders to suffer from liquidity issue and to sit on more foreclosures than they could sell。 Mortgage-backed securities became more risky and worth less causing investment firms like Lehman Brothers to suffer。

  Moreover,insurers like AIG who insured these bad mortgages also got in trouble。 The scheme (体系,结构)worked well, but it reverses course and is now coming back to hurt everyone with a vengeance。
