



My father 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:53 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  My father is a super TV fan. Every day he got home from work, the first thing was to turn on the TV. He watched the game for a while, watched TV play for a while, and watched the news all the time. Dad watches TV every time he is very fascinated, and sometimes even his daughter forgot.

  I told him to accompany me, and he ignored me. I asked him, "is TV important or important?" He just stared at the TV screen, giggling. Whenever there is a football game, like the father on the field of the audience, then raise a hue and cry for a while, heave great sighs. Dad sees every show so focused and never too tired. Do you think my father is a super TV fan?

My father

Once Rain

  One day morning, suddenly began to rain, the square there is no rain, the rain had to go to school. Just then, a young woman teacher came over and put her raincoat on the square shoulder, and said kindly, "watch out for the rain. You'll catch a cold.".

  " Fang was so excited that he could not speak. A senior brother saw the teacher walking to school in the rain, and ran to share an umbrella with his teacher. In this way, the teacher looked at the students laughed, the students looked at the teacher smiled, they go to school together.
