



A happy day 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:54 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Yesterday was sunny.It was very hot.The sun was very big and very yellow.My grandma took me and my cousin went to sea.Many people went swimming in the sea.Because yesterday was very hot.Went to swimming inthehaot day is a happy thing.So my cousin and I was very happy."sea,we're comming!"We said.and then we ran tothe sea.Aha!The sea's water was warm!We played long time.What a happy day!

A happy day


  Christmas is a very important festival in many countries.People will put the Christmas trees in their homes.Some shops will put lights in the shops.People don't work or go to school.It'sa holiday.Families will eat dinner together.They give presentsor cards.I love Christmas,too.Because it's a happy festival.Oh,what is your favourite festival?
