



My English teather 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:54 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  My name is lucy, i'm a primary school student.My english teacher is Betty.She is from Australia.She is very beautiful.She is friendly to us.But sometimes she is strict with us.I am not good at English.She often help me with my english.So i made much progress at last.She likes sports very much.We often play volleyball and baseball with her.She is an outgoing teacher.Really like talking with her.We like her very much.

My English teather

My grandpa

  My grandpa likes sports very much. Every morning he runs to the park . Then he goes to a restaurant on foot for his breakfast.At half past eight, he go shopping by bus. In the afternoon,He drives to his friend's house.They go fishing by car.In the evening, here is newspapers and listens the radio.He lives traveling, everywhere.We also take a trip with him.He likes talking and traveling with us too.We love him very much.
