



My Grandmother 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:54 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  I have the best grandmother in the world . My grandmother is eighty-five years old but she is in the pink of health . She is short and thin . She has a bright smile and a gentle voice although she is old . My grandmother is a caring and kind lady . She often donates to orphanages . She enjoys telling stories to me . The stories teach me many lesson about life . My grandmother is also my best friend in the family . When I am unhappy , she will cooks my favourite food for me to cheer me up .

  I love my grandmother She is a gentle woman who thinks well and makes good decisions . She always tells me lot about her experience . I hope that she will be forever healthy .

My Grandmother

Write an email to your friend

  Subject:Science Camp

  Dear Mary ,

  How are you ? I hope you are fine . During the school holidays , there is a Science Camp . I would like to invite you to join the camp . We can learn about careers and how the professions do their jobs .

  We can learn to make sparkly crystals that will impress everyone . We can give them Amy as her birthday present . Besides , we can make our fizzy drinks with simple ingredients . We can see how science help us create treats .

  I hope you can join the camp with me .
