



A letter to her 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:54 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Dear you:

  How are you?

  Last week,my school held a Chinese competition.The topic is very difficult,I have many don't.I don't know if I can win.Can you write and tell me what happened in your school?

  The best blessing!

  Your friend

A letter to her


  I am come from Chinese. nice to meet you. my name is Mary.I have a very happy family. my father is a policeman. he very tall and handsome, also so cool! my father working in the police. my mother is a English teacher, she is very smart. she is not tall. she working in the middle school. I have two sisters. they are Sally and Linda. the Sally is lazy, the Linda is hardworking.I am a student. what abbot you?
