



How to study 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:54 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Now, more and more people are studying in school. Naturally, competition has become increasingly fierce. So how do we get a place in this increasingly competitive school? I have a lot of ways. Not one one here. I think a lot of practice is very important, it can help you to learn more things, so as to achieve better results. I have a lot of practice. To go home every day, after the completion of the job, always need to do some exercises. That's very important! So, work hard to practice it, one day

How to study

doing the right thing

  'It's almost ten.I have to hurry,'Alex thought as he walked over to his mother to bid her goodbye.

  'Poor thing!You looked after me all night.You must be exhausted.Why don't you stay home today?'she whispered.

  Alex hugged her and said,'I have to go now,Mum.It's my job.If I am not there today,my friends will have to do the extra work.Don't worry,I'll be fine. I've out your food and medicines on the table.Here's your mobile phone.Call me if you need me.'

  Alex got to work in time.At noon, the restaurant was crowded.Although he was tired,Alex greeted everyone cheerfully and took their orders patiently.He also removed dirty crockery from the tables quickly.Many of the customers left tips for Alex because they appreciated his service.'I need money to pay for Mum's medical bills.The tips I get today will help a a lot,'he thought.

  Alex noticed his friend seated at one of the empty tables.He walked over to speak to him.

  'What's the matter,Tom?You look worried.'

  'My father's in hospital.I need to pay his hospital bill but I don't know what to do.'

  Alex thought for a moment.Then, he said,'I know what it's like to need money.Here's some money.It's not much but I hope it helps.'

  Some of the workers in the restaurant overheard the conversation.Taking out their wallets,they said,'We'd like to help too.'
