



my favoriter star 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:55 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  hi i am lidy. i an 10 years old.i like sports music and english . i am a student . my faviter food is apple banna and orange

  my faviter star is karry wang,because he is humsone and understanding he like piaying guitur and singing .he used to be

  short .now he is really tall .yeah,he is my favoiter star.do you like him ?what is you favorter star?

my favoriter star

How To be Heathy

  Everybody wants to be heathy.How can we be healthy?First,we brush our teeth ,wash our face and hands everyday.Second,we have breakfast once a day.Breakfast is very important.Then,we need always eat fruit and vegetables.

  It's good for us.Finally,we should always play sports .It will make us strong.
