



我的英语老师 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:56 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文


  也许是长年教毕业班且操心我们学业的原因,唐老师整个人十分瘦削,甚至我们班有许多同学都比她壮实多了。 唐老师看似弱不禁风,却是一个深藏不露的体育健将。我也是临近毕业才知道的,记得有次我陪我爸我妈去买菜的路上,我妈说:“你们唐老师很有运动细胞,跳远、跑步、踢毽样样都拿手,在区里还得过奖呢!”当时我很惊讶。 虽然唐老师的运动天赋是偶露峥嵘,而其对工作时一丝不苟的作风却始终贯穿着每个学期。


  瞧,唐老师真是为我们操碎了心啊!虽然她上半学期的付出几乎没有起到什么效果,但是她没有放弃,反而在我们身上倾注了更多的心血与汗水。最终我们没有让老师失望,在毕业考试之中获得了喜人的成绩,唐老师知道后高兴地笑了。 母亲对子女是唠叨的,唐老师对我们就像对子女一样好,所以他免不了有些唠叨。隔壁班的老师将同样一篇课文一节课就讲完了,我们班的唐老师却恨不得三节课都讲不完。将练习卷也是,总把重点讲了又讲,讲了又讲,我们都听到耳朵长老茧了。

  有一次,唐老师给我们做听力我们好多人把“my”听成了“mine”,结果唐老师把这一道题讲了三遍,又特地找了7、8同一类型的题目给我们练习,下课前又反复强调:“下次千万不要忘记啊,要分清楚啊……”不过,我一点也不认为这唠叨很烦,它不但让我们掌握了所有要掌握的英语知识,使我们取得了好成绩,而且体现了唐老师对我们的关爱。 我在书上看到过一句话:“因为心中有爱,所以才会美丽。”我想唐老师正是如此。她很爱我们,所以在我们眼里她很漂亮,加上她又十分爱打扮自己,便显得美若天仙了。她是如何打扮自己的呢?

  她总是穿着很时髦的衣服,而且上午穿进教室一套,到了下午又换了一套,套套衣服都很漂亮。我们班的女同学总是私下议论:“唐老师的漂亮衣服可真多呀!” 这就是我们的唐老师,虽然只给我们上了一年课,却让我终身难忘。


I have a dream

  Hello, everyone!

  Today I want to tell you something about my dreams. Firstly, I want to be a Tauquandao player when I grow up. I began to play Taiquandao when I was six years old and now I have played it for 5 years. Although often hurt during the training, I like it very much because it can make me healthier, stronger and braver. When I grow up,I am going to take part in the Olympic games to win a gold medal, like my idol, genius Wu Jingyu. She won the world champion on the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. She often says that if you want to defeat your challengers you must be 10 times stronger than them. I totally agree with her. She is 13 years older than me, so I have enough time to work hard to succeed like her. I have confidence in confidence and I have confidence in me!!!

  But in the future, if I can not become a professional player, being a policewoman is my another dream. I must be an excellent policewoman because playing Taiquandao very well can help me to catch the thief more quickly. What’s more, I am good at running and swimming, so wherever the bad guy escapes I can catch him at last. Do you think so?

  Oh, I forget to tell you my English is great so maybe I will be an International Criminal Police to catch thief from all over the world. How cool I will be!

  OK,whatever I am going to be, whichever dream will come true, growing up itself must be extremely interesting and exciting !

  I can not wait!

  That’s all!

  Thank you very much!
