



Best Friend 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:57 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  In this world there are thousands and million pairs of best friends. All of them say that they would help their best friend no-matter-what problem they face. Yup, they can talk all right but how many of them can actually do it?

  Not even 50% of them. Face the truth, good friends are hard to find. Especially those who would help you to the very end. But that does'nt mean there are no such thing as REAL,honest,good friend. There are, its just that the amount, is really,really small. Furthermore, there might even be people who pretend to be your friend in order to get something from you, so you must be very careful when making friends.

  Good friends,bad friends.....I've had them both before and I still do. I don't know about other people out there,but it is easier to find good friends in primary school, and that is the statement I've made from my personal experience. The older you get, the harder it is to find a true,good friend.

  So, if you really found a true friend, do appreciate your friendship, for it is very,very hard to find.

Best Friend

家教的看法(My View On Privat

  nowadays, an increasing numbers of parents ask college students to act as private tutors to their kids. like everything else, private tutoring also has advantages and disadvantages. generally speaking,the advantages can be listed as follows.

  first, private tutoring is helpful to the parents.many parents are so busy with their work that they have no time to help their children with their lessons. besides, private tutoring is good for the tutors themselves. they can make some money while providing a service for others. most important of all, privatetutoringis beneficial for kids. since the parents can't help when the kids have problems, private tutoring seems to be a wise choice.

  however, private tutoring also has disadvantages. to begin with, it takes so much of the kid's time that they can hardly find time for rest and amusement, which is harmful to their health. to make matters worse, some tutors have too many kids to teach so that they neglect their studies at school. worst of ail, some tutors only offer tips for test taking rather than teaching kids what is really needed.

  according to the above analysis, it is clear that the disadvantages outweigh the advantages. therefore, it is proposed that great emphasis be laid on the stimulation of the kid' s learning and the cultivation of their potential moreover, kids should be given more time to play so that a new and healthy generation will emerge.
