



英语与知识 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:58 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Q: What's the difference between a monkey and a flea?

  A: A monkey can have fleas, but a flea can't have monkeys.


  Q: How can you most irritate a farmer?

  A: By treading on his corn?


  Q: Which is the strongest creature in the world?

  A: The snail. It carries its house on its back.


  Q: What do people do in a clock factory?

  A: They make faces all day.

  一看到make faces这个短语,你可千万别以为是在钟表厂工作的人整天都做鬼脸呀!因为除了这个意思以外,它还可以从字面上解释为制造钟面。

  Q: How do you stop a sleepwalker from walking in his sleep?

  A: Keep him awake.

  怎样才能不让梦游者(sleepwalker)梦游(walk in his sleep)呢?最简单的方法就是不让他睡觉。虽然这不是治疗方法,但如果让梦游者醒着呢,他的确就不会去梦游了。



  I will be a Chinese teacher in 30 years.I will stay in the house,Because I will teach on the Internet.Iwill teach a lot of students.Students will be very like me!We will be like friends!


  In 100 years,people will live in the space city.They will stay in the house to do some interesting.things for example:exercise,sing,dance,draw,

  write......They say:"It's easy to have a healthy lifestyle!"Kids won't

  go to school,they will study on computer at home.People will hate robots in their home in the futures,people will be very relaxed!
