



I'm so happy 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:59 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  I'm so happy Happiness can be many, happiness is like a long river, there are many types, can be encouraged to feel happy, can be a word to make you happy, can be a gift to make you happy, and I get happiness, is that bowl of steaming wonton. It was the winter of the year, the cold wind was piercing, I shivered, I woke up early, I found nothing, and went on sleeping. In my sleep, I seem to hear the sounds of pots and pans intertwined. After getting up, the sun father-in-law's warm sunshine has been sprinkled on the earth, very warm. I walked to the dining room, and immediately found a bowl of steaming wonton, which made me hungry early in the morning, I was delighted, even hurriedly picked up the bowl of wonton gobbling up the big eat, at this time, a gentle and kind big hand touched my head, I looked up, ah! It's mom! I only heard the kind words from my mother. Eat slowly, a little hot, be careful not to burn. At this moment, a warm current of gratitude flowed through my body, which warmed my whole body, and when I saw that my mother had a wrinkled face and a black eye, as if she had aged five years, suddenly something came to my mind, and I ran into the kitchen and found that all the bowls that had left me last night were gone. I ran to my mother and said aloud to him," Mother, you have worked hard! I love you! ” Happiness can help you stand up when you fail, give you the strength to persevere, just like a lighthouse, in your failure to guide you a successful road, let you stick to it, isn't it? .

I'm so happy

Crystal clear small drops of water

  The spring is drizzling, and everything is born.Don't know what you like?Do you like my colorful flowers? Do you like green grass? Do you like soft white clouds? Do you like the lively and lovely little swallows?It's all so beautiful.However, my favorite is the little dew.

  In the early morning, the petals on the blades of grass are condensed with crystal clear dewdrops.These small drops of water are like crystal balls that fall from the sky. They are so clean and transparent.

  The sun rose and shot thousands of golden lights.The flowers bloomed happily, the grass was a straight waist, and the birds sang sweet songs.Everything in nature is full of life and full of hope.And that little water pearl has already been evaporated by the sun.In fact, I know those little water drops to moisturize the soil and moisturize the seedlings.

  The crystal clear water drops are so cute, do you like it?
