



My family 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:59 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  I have a happy family.My father,mother and me.I like green and like to play basketball.My father likes red and likes reading.

  My mother likes white .And she likes cooking.

  Yesterday.My mother was cooking in the kitchen.My father and I were watching the soccer games.

  I'm so happy!

My family

my dad

  My dad is a big man

  My dad rides a bicycle to work.

  My dad always gave me a big hug and I love it.

  My dad helped me to do homework.

  My dad can fix broken things

  My dad, like, an orange juice.

  My dad likes playing Football

  my dad likePlaying computer games.

  My dad can make delicious food for our.

  My dad lost my mom and me.

  My mom and I love him to.

  I so like my dad ,Because He is a big man
