



坚持背英语单词 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:50:59 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文



  一个星期的时间吧,说长也不长,说短吧,也不短。这样的话,如果我每天可以坚持背单词,还是可以完成这个英语老师每周布置的背英语单词的任务的。我甚至觉得这个老师可能就是算好了吧,刚好每天都可以背这个英语单词的量。可是你如果让我坚持一个星期我不会拒绝, 一个月我也可以考虑。可是看这个架势,我这个英语补课老师是长久的都在了,这也就说明我以后的每天可能都需要背单词。我的天哪,那是有多累啊。我甚至无法想象,可我一想到请这个补课老师的钱,是我爸妈每天辛苦的在外面流汗赚来的。这样一想,我的心里就有点过意不去。也一下子心里就满是斗志了,是的父母为我们付出了那么多。我不应该和他们一样都好好努力吗。每天都说服自己努力一点再努力一点,每天都要坚持下去,慢慢的养成习惯,这件事情自然也就好了,也就会越来越简单了。



Sports day

  John is an very active boy.He likes to participate in all sarts of competition in his school.Last Friday,his school held its animal sports day.All the pupils were in good mood.Many pupils wanted to participate in the running events.John participate in the 100m race.

  Before the sports day, all the teachers and pupils decorated the stadium with colourful balloons and pupils decorated the stadium with colourful balloons and flags.Everyone worked hand in hand.All the participate trained very hand for the competition.John trained for two weeks.

  On the day of the competition,John was very nervous.He saw many people in the stadium.Many people come to support then friends.Before the race,all the runners did some worm up activities.

  During the race,John ran as fast as he could to the finishing line.He ran as fast as a deer.Therefore he wan the first prize.He was speechless as he could not hide his excitement.He received a trophy from the headmistress.His friends and teacher congratulated him from their hearts.

  John was on cloud nine that day.He learned that his hand work had paid off.
