



Never give up 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:51:00 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  saying goes 'Keep on going, never give up.'

  We should not give up in our daily life,though something is not as nice as the one you think. I could still remenber the sports meeting when I was in gread seven. At first, I was so afraid that I thought I could not finish such a long distance. At this time my classmates encouraged me. Finally I was the second to finish. Although I didn't win the race, I think it's a succesful experimence for me.

  I have learnt that never give up is really great.

Never give up

My trouble

  Something unusual happened to me the day before yesterday.

  When I finish my homework in the afternoon, I would like to watch TV for a few minutes. The strange thing happened to me. I could not find my remote control. Any way, I could still remember that I had put it on the shelf yesterday evening. And it disappeared now. I looked for it everywhere but I could not found it. Finally, I found out that my dog had put it under my bed and peed on it. What a naughty dog!

  although I waste a lot of time and could not watch TV for too long that day, I was even much happier because of my naughty dog.
