



My friend 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:51:00 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  A: hello!My name is lisa.Today, I and my father and mother went to the central park.

  There, I saw many beautiful scenery, not only also met many good friends.They are very friendly, and is a very active enthusiasm.

  On one occasion, I get lost, they are looking for me, didn't eat two meals, so, I thank them very much.

  Finally, I want to thank them once again solemnly, my best friend.

My friend

A Busy Man

  The whole morning,his time is taken up by conferce.He has a headache when the conferce at the end.At thia moment,his assistant come to remind that it is time to reception the customers at airport.

  He looks the watch,stand up and rushs out for car from office.He .Because he worrys about making a poor impression to his customers.He speeds up in the way.

  But he later for two minutes.He looks in all direction in crpwes.He catchs sight of his customers waiting for him with angry.
