



My school life 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:51:00 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  At school l am busy with my studies . l am interested in English ,because my English teacher ,Miss Wang is kind and helpful .I like playing basketball and reading books. After class ,I join some clubs at school .In this way ,I have got more and more knowledge and improved my life . I learn how to face difficulties and I also learn how to get on well with friend .My school life is meaning and colorful . In a word ,it is unforgettable ,isn’t it ?

My  school  life

The Person I Love Most-Mum

  I love my mother most and she loves me, too. My mother is tall and slim.

  Mum takes good care of me. Every moring, she gets up early and cooks delicious meals for me and my father. Besides, she oten talks to me about daily life and story. What more's, she often go to park at weekends and goes traveling with me and my father on holidays. She often give me encourages and support when I have some difficulties.

  Mum, I love you forever!
