



百变英语 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:51:01 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文


  晚会在“Jingle bells”(铃儿响呆铛)的歌声中拉开帷幕,英语课代表亚男做主持人,她用优美婉转的声音说:“同学们,梦月为大家带来一则英语小谜语,let’s guess。”梦月走上讲台不紧不慢地说:“It’s green,We can walk on it and cows like to eat it,What’s this?”话音刚落,许多人都举起了手,君最积极生怕被别人抢答,灵不停地喊:“me,me,me”,陈老师笑得合不拢嘴。君站起回答“This is grass。”亚男笑着点点头。“The second one,You can’t smell or feel it,you can’t look at it or taste it,but it’s there around us,what’s this?”这可难坏了大家,是什么呢?现在班里就是一根针掉在地上都听得见,同学们都在静静地思考,过了好半天慧举起手来问“是空气吗?”“Yes,you are right!”……

  亚男笑迷迷地走上讲台“第二个节目是歌曲大擂台,参赛双方是男生队与女生队。”刚说完男生们大叫“girl,girl,来一个,girl,girl,来一个。”复新站起来唱道“we wish a X’mas,we wish a X’mas,and happy new year。Good tiding you bring,whereevery you are,good tiding X’mas and happy new yesr。”太好听了,同学们都沉浸在美妙的歌声中。男生也不示弱,小胖子劳威唱了一首“快乐的漫游者。”歌声欢快诙谐,逗得大家哈哈大笑。

  Party中同学们还表演了乌鸦喝水的故事,玩了单词接龙的游戏,陈老师还给我们讲了一个小笑话,不知不觉中天色已晚,我们唱着“twencle,twencle little star”结束了我们的百变英语晚会。



  I have a father。His name is WenyiDong. He live in ShenZhen for 5 yers.He like's playing golf very much.He is a good teacher. He has been a teacher for 7 years. I like him .He has live in ShenZhen sine 1992. He like Shenzhen very much.

  He has many hobbys. He likes read ,play golf and play the football.He has a easy ambition .To be a goog teacher.

  He live with my mother and I.We live in Yangguanglijing grand.We are so happy.I like my father very much.
