



Harry’s week 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:51:02 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Harry’s week

  BubuGao English school


  Harry’s week is very busy, but it’s very colorful.

  On Monday, she gets up at half past six. Then she washes her face and brushes her teeth at twenty to seven. Next,she has her breakfast. At eight o’clock she goes to school and has her class. In the afternoon, she is very hungry, so she has her lunch at school.

  On Tuesday and Wednesday she visits her grandmother.

  On Thursday she sleeps all the time. About one o’clock, she goes shopping with her friends. In the evening she watches TV at home.

  On Friday morning, she plays sports in a park.

  On Saturday, she goes to the cinema with her mother and her father. Then they go home and have supper.

  On Sunday, Harry studies at home.

  In a word, her week is very busy, but colorful and happy.

Harry’s week



  记的有一次,放学时我和唐宁走在回家的路上,正在这时,前方来了一位老外,唐宁主动上前去和老外招呼“Hello, my name is Tang Ning,What’s your name Can I help you?” “Hello,my name is Black……”这时老外一边也向我打招呼,我慌得满脸通红,只好跟着说了一声“H-e-l-l-o”

  上学期的一次英语课上,老师让我们背诵第9单元A部分,我简直有点不敢相信自己的耳朵,第9单元课文那么长,昨天才学,怎么这么快就让背了呢? 我连读都读不流利,更不用说背了。可这时唐宁举起手流利地背出第9单元“This is our classroom。 It’s big and bright。 Look,there’s a TV……”很快就背完了,这时英语老师说:“张峰铭同学第9单元课文。”我站了起来,“This is our classroom……”可是下面都背不出来了,急得像热锅上的蚂蚁。“丁零零,丁零零”下课铃响了,唐宁跑到我身旁一个劲地鼓励我,“其实我也不是什么神童,我就是做好课前预习,课后复习,平常多读、多听、多练英语,这样英语的成绩才能提高……”,听了他的话,我恍然大悟,原来他的英语是这样学的,我也暗暗下定决心,一定要把英语学好,总有一天我会超过他的。
