



Mgfriend 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:51:04 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  Mg friend is BinXinwitYu.She is short. She is eleven year old.she is long hair.She is good girl.She is favourite food is noodles.She is favourite subject is PE.She is favourite colour is pink.She is favourite 。She alwags help h mg homework.She can be a friend wite everyone.



  I am a girl . I am 10 yeas old. I have a twe eyes,one nose and one mouth. Oh, I have a beauilful long hari.I like reading books,beause they are tell me mang stories.My mother like reading ,too. I like hembergurs,but my mother doesn't me eat it ,she say"it isn't healthy ." so I don't eat it. I'm a quiet girl .I don't like sport,but my dad ofren play sport with me .My dad think is health.

  This is me and my panrents .I love them, they also love me.
