



记叙文的特点 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:51:05 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  First, to account. Whether written notes, or to describe things, are generally required to account time, location, people, events, causes, results, otherwise the article is not complete. Second, clear clues. Although the angle of observation, description methods can be different, but each article should be central clue has a WAN connection materials, all through the whole, otherwise it will be loose. Third, said to be consistent. Whether in the first person "I" records, or by the third person pronoun "he" records, must pass a consistent, generally should not arbitrarily change, otherwise it is easy to cause confusion. The narrative to the narrative, but often also described, lyrical and discuss,there can be no sharp pision. It is a form of flexible, perse style of writing as much as possible. Narrative, is described as the main way of expression, a kind of style to write the character's experience and the development and changes of things as the main content. The narrative is used to describe things in the article. The time, location, character, development, through, the result is 6 elements notes. Write the object from the motion state of objects, or change it. Narrative writing, is to put their own personal feelings and experience, through the vivid image, language, described to the reader. Narrative covers a wide range, such as written notes, diary, blogs, news, communication, legends, novels, all belong to the category of narration. Narrative writing is the life of the information, to express their true feelings for life.


My May Day holiday

  I was busy last May Day holiday.On May 1st.I played football and watched TV.On 2rd.I took a trip with my family.We went to Beijing. I climbed and ate good food.On may 3ed.I drank tea with my grandparents.In the afternoon.I went fishing with my new friends.In the evening. I read books. I was tired,but I was very happy.
