



My Naughty Brother 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:51:05 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  My Naughty Brother

  Xiao Ming is my little brother.He is a naughty boy.Here’s a story that happened to him.

  On a Sunday morning Xiao Ming went into the yard and played with a dog named Lele.Sometimes a bird would have the greatest fun by throwing a stone or something at it.Suddenly a crack was heard and the little boy began crying.Mother ran up to Xiao Ming and asked him what was wrong.He said,”I’ve broken sister’s plate.She’s beaten me.””Why?””I threw this at a bird but missed,and it went straight to the plate.”At that time in Xiao Ming’s hand was mother’s necklace!

  Such was my naughty brother.

My Naughty Brother


  观看剑桥少儿英语光碟是我最快乐的事情!根据老师的安排,我有时候观看DVD互动,有时候听学生用盘上面的Mp3。我觉得英语听起来很美妙,就像听音乐,特别是课本里面的几个人物,非常有趣呢!下面我介绍一下这些有趣的人物吧,有Mr。 Star, Mrs。 Star, Marie, Simon, Mask man, Monty, Suzy, Stella,他们是快乐、幸福的一家人!

  不管老师有没有布置,我总是每天坚持观看DVD互动和听Mp3,因为我喜欢模仿标准的英语朗读声音,有些语气也很有意思,很夸张。另外,观看互动时还可以做题目哦,当我选择正确时,光碟里会给出评价“Yes, well done!”, 有时候居然全部选对了呢!我喜欢听英语的第二个原因是因为里面有我很感兴趣的人和歌曲,其中Simon是我最喜欢的人物,因为他成绩很好,而且还很帅,很阳光!最有趣的是Simon最搞笑,差点把妈妈笑坏了!我最喜欢的歌曲是“动物歌”。我会一直坚持听英语,这种感觉非常快乐!
