



激烈的英语班干部竞选 600字高中英语作文

2022-03-15 06:51:05 栏目:高中英语作文 来源:蘑菇文

  今天早上,英语老师在课堂上宣布了一个消息:下一节课的时间我们用来竞选班干 部。同学们听到这个消息后立刻吹呼起来,因为每个人都想当上英语班干 部,而我就更别说了。

  铃铃……,上课铃响了。教室里显得格外安静,因为大家都知道这节课的重要性。只见英语老师给每个人都发了一张小纸条,这张小纸条是用来写下自己心目中的人选。而我就选了自己、黄顺馨、李婉婷、梁蔚城和叶俊聪。五分钟后,英语老师就把选票收了上去。 开始统计票数了,在统计票数的这几分钟里,我的心很纠结,怕自己当不上班干部。正在我忐忑不安的时候,结果终于出来了!英语老师宣布:被选上当英语班干部的同学有:唐安琪、黎钰莹、叶俊聪、黄顺馨、谭柱明。“这时,我心中的大石终于放下来了,当上了我梦寐以求的班干部。





  Everybody is good! I Li XinYing I and Liao splendid graceful English levels very serious fine friends In addition we have studied Japanese Japanese is expressed and still all right! I hope that everybody can support our show teacher of family of leaf teacher in charge of a class and me very much And a good friend Liao is splendid and graceful. My composition level is not high earnestly ask the masses of friends to help me to study compositions Teach me how should a composition write. Thank you!

  I offer some methods to study English too here: 1. Read conscientiously ; 2. Write conscientiously ; 3. Understand deeply conscientiously ; 4. Do not understand that ask . But must accomplish and read and write and practise more more more that kind's your English will just be very accurate Skilled! ! ( know this practical to you method anyway and Liao very competent ShaoTing I)
